Don't you love when you have a question regarding about something - anything - and get a clear answer?
A few weeks ago I contacted a singer about singing one of my songs. My hopes were that her heart strings would get the best of her and out of sheer curiosity she would want to see it. It's a good song! Then I hoped she would say, "Do you have any others?" And then she would just become the go-to singer of my songs. She is already established and I LOVE her voice. So to me it seemed like the easiest answer.
I didn't hear anything from her after I first contacted her. Then I won the composers guild competition and had a new sense of encouragement. I determined that I would contact her again. I would tell her that I had won and would she PLEASE just look at this song. Surely, she would at least look at it.
So I went to open her website to contact her and and it was....gone! Gonzo! Her website is no more! Here she is, a very popular singer with a career that is just starting to branch out and all of a sudden she doesn't have a website.
Therein lies my answer. For whatever reason, that is not the route my songs are supposed to go. And I thought I had it all figured out. Back to square one.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Everyone has been so kind and supportive the last few days. I wanted to record some of these things to have to look back on later in life.
A few days prior to the concert I told my sister that I was nervous. She sent me this text filled with sisterly love...
I especially love the touching ending. Better get a kleenex!
I didn't tell many people that I had even entered the contest until I was invited to perform in the concert. When I did tell people their responses were all so kind!

It was especially tender the day of the concert when throughout the day I got text messages like this...

My sister left me a prize on my doorstep prior to the concert. It was a little book with the story of how one of my favorite Christmas songs, "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill, was written and came into her hands with a cd single of the song (which I haven't stopped listening to since).
There was a little note of encouragement inside...
I wish I'd seen it before leaving the concert, but I didn't find it 'til after. It was so sweet!
Then after the concert these started arriving. Callie's brought me right to tears!

I text my friend who was out of town at 12:30am. Chris asked WHO I was texting at that hour. "Em." I figured I'd text her and she could just see it when she woke up the next day. IMMEDIATELY I got this response...
My friends, the Peck family, are a football family. Dave coaches a team. Whenever they have a big win I make celebratory cinnamon rolls and deliver them for breakfast the next morning. I called Dave and left him a message that said, "Dave, it's Paige. I've got bad news for you. You're going to have to figure out how to make cinnamon rolls because I won first prize last night!"
Last night he showed up on my doorstep. With these!
Everyone has been so kind! All the kind comments on my blog, being emailed to me, texted to me, comments made in person and over the phone have made this such an incredible experience!! I am SOOOO thankful!!
A few days prior to the concert I told my sister that I was nervous. She sent me this text filled with sisterly love...
Then after the concert these started arriving. Callie's brought me right to tears!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...
Here's three thousand....

Saturday night went so great! The performance went great! I didn't fall off the piano bench or anything! I played, since the music is only in my head, and asked my friend to sing. We performed the song that won, "I Want Someone", with a few slight variations that make it a Christmas song. Susan had a horrible experience with the mic, but I felt good about the whole thing. So...50% ain't bad!
For those that want a few more details, here's how the whole thing went down.
Back in the first week of September my dear friend came over to my house to "play". She had never seen any of the songs I had written. She has a STUNNING voice and I told her to come over some time and we'd have a little sing-along. She said that day how great she thought my songs were and asked why I never entered them in any competitions. I told her I didn't know about any competitions to enter them. She emailed me the next day with the details of the Utah Composers Guild competition. (Her mom had entered it in the past. That's how she knew about it.)
Interestingly, when she sent me the information she said that the cut-off date for entries had ALWAYS been August 31st, but this year - for some unknown reason - it had been extended to about the 13th of September. So I still had time to enter it. I have 5 songs recorded, and they prefer a recording. So I had those songs to choose from. I counseled with my friend, my mom, and my sisters and finally decided to enter the one I wrote about my hubby and "I Want Someone".
Some details about the competition:
My friend who told me about the competition and her mother, my mother, my brother & sister, two of my aunts, my friend who sang it and her husband, and of course, my hubby were all there to support me. Not to mention all the good vibes coming my way from everyone else. I really didn't want all those people to have come all that way and walk away completely empty handed.
After the concert was over and it was time to announce the winners, the first thing the Composers Guild President said was, "I was a little disappointed with the judge this year. He said he didn't feel there were many entries even worthy of an honorable mention this year. My heart sank. I thought, "I'm toast!" The way they announced it was completely haphazard too. Rather than saying, "In the ______ category, 1st prize goes to ____________; 2nd prize goes to _______________;" etc. they just named a person and then said what that person won. So it was "John Doe from Oregon won 2nd in the __________ category. Jane Smith from Tennessee won the Grand Prize. Joe Blow from Kokomo won 1st in ____________." LOTS of the winners weren't even there (like the person from France). Winner after winner was being announced and I had NO IDEA where things stood. Were both of the categories I entered absolved into other categories? Has she named a winner - ANY winner - from either of my categories yet? What is my name again, just in case it is called?
All of a sudden she said "Paige Norton..." I couldn't believe it! I had won something! As I stood and put my coat on my chair she continued, "...has won first prize in the Vocal Solo category." I cannot confirm or deny if I peed my pants right there on the spot. I walked to the front to get my award. I had to fight back tears - not JUST because I'm a total boob and I cry even at tv commercials, but out of sheer relief. I don't completely stink like tuna. Everyone hadn't come for nothing. I haven't completely wasted A LOT of time in the last 7 years writing the songs that come to my mind. ENORMOUS RELIEF!!
I was among the last to be called. So shortly thereafter it was all over. Love and I went to dinner with my friend and her hubby. We got home very late! But it sure was a great night!
Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and your good vibes! It means the world to me!!
P.S. I have to have carpal tunnel surgery before the Composers Spectacular, so I can't play at it. I'm considering letting my sister play for me (if I can get the music on paper in time) and singing it myself. My cousin says I didn't get up early my whole life to practice to NOT perform it myself. She is right.
For those that want a few more details, here's how the whole thing went down.
Back in the first week of September my dear friend came over to my house to "play". She had never seen any of the songs I had written. She has a STUNNING voice and I told her to come over some time and we'd have a little sing-along. She said that day how great she thought my songs were and asked why I never entered them in any competitions. I told her I didn't know about any competitions to enter them. She emailed me the next day with the details of the Utah Composers Guild competition. (Her mom had entered it in the past. That's how she knew about it.)
Interestingly, when she sent me the information she said that the cut-off date for entries had ALWAYS been August 31st, but this year - for some unknown reason - it had been extended to about the 13th of September. So I still had time to enter it. I have 5 songs recorded, and they prefer a recording. So I had those songs to choose from. I counseled with my friend, my mom, and my sisters and finally decided to enter the one I wrote about my hubby and "I Want Someone".
Some details about the competition:
- Even though it's the Utah Composers Guild, you don't have to be from Utah to enter. In fact, there were winners from France, Tennessee, Utah, Oregon, and more.
- There are 10 categories. However, if there aren't enough entries in one category to make it a good competition, they will group categories that are the most similar to increase the competition.
- There is one judge. It is someone with a doctorate degree in music.
- The entries are completely unanimous. The judge doesn't know anything about the composer of the piece he is considering. Even our names were whited out. So other than the judge's own personal taste, it is an unbiased competition.
- There is prize money!
- Anyone who wins 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or an honorable mention in any category is invited to perform their piece at the Composers Spectacular the end of January.
- There are entry fees. So depending on how many pieces you submit, you could win first place and still lose money.
My friend who told me about the competition and her mother, my mother, my brother & sister, two of my aunts, my friend who sang it and her husband, and of course, my hubby were all there to support me. Not to mention all the good vibes coming my way from everyone else. I really didn't want all those people to have come all that way and walk away completely empty handed.
After the concert was over and it was time to announce the winners, the first thing the Composers Guild President said was, "I was a little disappointed with the judge this year. He said he didn't feel there were many entries even worthy of an honorable mention this year. My heart sank. I thought, "I'm toast!" The way they announced it was completely haphazard too. Rather than saying, "In the ______ category, 1st prize goes to ____________; 2nd prize goes to _______________;" etc. they just named a person and then said what that person won. So it was "John Doe from Oregon won 2nd in the __________ category. Jane Smith from Tennessee won the Grand Prize. Joe Blow from Kokomo won 1st in ____________." LOTS of the winners weren't even there (like the person from France). Winner after winner was being announced and I had NO IDEA where things stood. Were both of the categories I entered absolved into other categories? Has she named a winner - ANY winner - from either of my categories yet? What is my name again, just in case it is called?
All of a sudden she said "Paige Norton..." I couldn't believe it! I had won something! As I stood and put my coat on my chair she continued, "...has won first prize in the Vocal Solo category." I cannot confirm or deny if I peed my pants right there on the spot. I walked to the front to get my award. I had to fight back tears - not JUST because I'm a total boob and I cry even at tv commercials, but out of sheer relief. I don't completely stink like tuna. Everyone hadn't come for nothing. I haven't completely wasted A LOT of time in the last 7 years writing the songs that come to my mind. ENORMOUS RELIEF!!
I was among the last to be called. So shortly thereafter it was all over. Love and I went to dinner with my friend and her hubby. We got home very late! But it sure was a great night!
Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and your good vibes! It means the world to me!!
P.S. I have to have carpal tunnel surgery before the Composers Spectacular, so I can't play at it. I'm considering letting my sister play for me (if I can get the music on paper in time) and singing it myself. My cousin says I didn't get up early my whole life to practice to NOT perform it myself. She is right.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Oh. My. Gravy.
Yesterday morning while I was working on funeral flowers fast and furiously, the woman from the Composer's Guild called. I saw her name on the caller ID and immediately I started to panic inside. Actually, I've been in a state of panic all week, so I think my heart probably just stopped. Why would she be calling? Now? The concert to announce the winners isn't 'til Saturday. It's not like she can call me ahead of time and tell me if I won or lost. WHY IS SHE CALLING?
With immense trepidation I answered the phone.
Me: Hello?
Her: Paige?
Me: Yes? (Unless you're calling to tell me I lost. In that case, Paige isn't home right now.)
Her: This is Ruth from the Composer's Guild.
Me: Yes? (What could you possibly want Ruth?!)
Her: I'm sorry to be calling so late. Well, er, were you planning on coming to the concert Saturday?
Me: Yes? (Unless you're calling to say that the songs I submitted to the competition are in front of you now with a big, red "F" circled at the top. In that case I'm....moving out of the country.)
Her: Well we were wondering if you would perform at the concert?
Me: (There is no way I heard her right! Did she really just say what I think she said? Is my heart still beating?... NO!) Um...YES! Uh...What did you want me to perform?
Her: (Wanting to answer but not given a second to do so.)
Me: Something I wrote?!
Her: Well, yes. (You idiot!)
Me: A Christmas song?!
Her: Well, yes. (It IS a Christmas concert, so that would seem appropriate. Oh my heck. I'm made a horrible mistake calling her!)
Me: (Gee, I'm REALLY wishing right now that I'd written a Christmas song. Ever. I don't have a Christmas song. Say I don't have a Christmas song!) Yes! That would be amazing! (You idiot!)
Her: Great. What song will you be performing?
Me: (Great question, Ruth. Let's see...I don't have any Christmas songs so it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down.... You raving lunatic! What kind of a mess are you getting yourself into in a week that you already don't have one second to spare????) Um...Could I look at all my choices (that shouldn't take too long) and get back to you with my answer?
Her: That would be fine.
Me: (Boy, I am in a truck load of hot water now!) Great! I'll call you soon with my answer.
Her: Ok, that's fine. Thank you.
Me: Thank you! Bye.
So with that my day turned completely upside down. I grabbed my binders of songs and started sifting through them madly to see if any of them could POSSIBLY be considered a Christmas song. It wasn't looking good, I'm not going to lie. I called Callie for moral support. "Callie! sdofin wofiwenf osodfivnsofihnwo dfovidf ngofngoi o; nidsnfd ofiwpos pm!!!! Could any of my songs be considered a Christmas song?!?!"
Uhhhh... Ummmm.....
Great! I'm feeling better about things now! We discuss a few possibilities and I hung up to call my Love and tell him my big news.
I was working on funeral flowers, delivering funeral flowers, going through my songs in my head, wondering what on earth I was going to wear, and calling people I knew would say wonderful things like "You have worked so hard! You deserve this!) for the rest of the afternoon. But try as I might, I couldn't come up with an answer for Ruth.
Finally, at about 5:30pm, SHE called ME back. I had no choice but to come clean and beg for mercy. I told her my plight and that with this funeral and my daughter's school Christmas program in an hour, I just plain needed more time. Could I POSSIBLY call her in the morning? She was so kind about it. She agreed to give me a little more time.
After mini-me's Christmas program we came home to have prayers and scriptures. I had a scheduled rehearsal with the person that would be singing the song at 9:30pm. By 9:10pm I still had no idea what I was going to do. I finally ended up taking all the choices to the rehearsal. The singer, myself, my mom, and my sister were at my mom's kitchen counter until midnight hashing through one idea after another. In the end, we slightly altered "I Want Someone". I love that song! I have loved that song from the moment I wrote it (down).
So this morning I will call HER back and tell her that "it's on like donkey kong!" Tomorrow night, rather than just attend the Composer's Guild Christmas Concert, I'll be performing.
With immense trepidation I answered the phone.
Me: Hello?
Her: Paige?
Me: Yes? (Unless you're calling to tell me I lost. In that case, Paige isn't home right now.)
Her: This is Ruth from the Composer's Guild.
Me: Yes? (What could you possibly want Ruth?!)
Her: I'm sorry to be calling so late. Well, er, were you planning on coming to the concert Saturday?
Me: Yes? (Unless you're calling to say that the songs I submitted to the competition are in front of you now with a big, red "F" circled at the top. In that case I'm....moving out of the country.)
Her: Well we were wondering if you would perform at the concert?
Me: (There is no way I heard her right! Did she really just say what I think she said? Is my heart still beating?... NO!) Um...YES! Uh...What did you want me to perform?
Her: (Wanting to answer but not given a second to do so.)
Me: Something I wrote?!
Her: Well, yes. (You idiot!)
Me: A Christmas song?!
Her: Well, yes. (It IS a Christmas concert, so that would seem appropriate. Oh my heck. I'm made a horrible mistake calling her!)
Me: (Gee, I'm REALLY wishing right now that I'd written a Christmas song. Ever. I don't have a Christmas song. Say I don't have a Christmas song!) Yes! That would be amazing! (You idiot!)
Her: Great. What song will you be performing?
Me: (Great question, Ruth. Let's see...I don't have any Christmas songs so it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down.... You raving lunatic! What kind of a mess are you getting yourself into in a week that you already don't have one second to spare????) Um...Could I look at all my choices (that shouldn't take too long) and get back to you with my answer?
Her: That would be fine.
Me: (Boy, I am in a truck load of hot water now!) Great! I'll call you soon with my answer.
Her: Ok, that's fine. Thank you.
Me: Thank you! Bye.
So with that my day turned completely upside down. I grabbed my binders of songs and started sifting through them madly to see if any of them could POSSIBLY be considered a Christmas song. It wasn't looking good, I'm not going to lie. I called Callie for moral support. "Callie! sdofin wofiwenf osodfivnsofihnwo dfovidf ngofngoi o; nidsnfd ofiwpos pm!!!! Could any of my songs be considered a Christmas song?!?!"
Uhhhh... Ummmm.....
Great! I'm feeling better about things now! We discuss a few possibilities and I hung up to call my Love and tell him my big news.
I was working on funeral flowers, delivering funeral flowers, going through my songs in my head, wondering what on earth I was going to wear, and calling people I knew would say wonderful things like "You have worked so hard! You deserve this!) for the rest of the afternoon. But try as I might, I couldn't come up with an answer for Ruth.
Finally, at about 5:30pm, SHE called ME back. I had no choice but to come clean and beg for mercy. I told her my plight and that with this funeral and my daughter's school Christmas program in an hour, I just plain needed more time. Could I POSSIBLY call her in the morning? She was so kind about it. She agreed to give me a little more time.
After mini-me's Christmas program we came home to have prayers and scriptures. I had a scheduled rehearsal with the person that would be singing the song at 9:30pm. By 9:10pm I still had no idea what I was going to do. I finally ended up taking all the choices to the rehearsal. The singer, myself, my mom, and my sister were at my mom's kitchen counter until midnight hashing through one idea after another. In the end, we slightly altered "I Want Someone". I love that song! I have loved that song from the moment I wrote it (down).
So this morning I will call HER back and tell her that "it's on like donkey kong!" Tomorrow night, rather than just attend the Composer's Guild Christmas Concert, I'll be performing.
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